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Quarantine Q&A: Jordan Poyer


How are you staying connected with your family and friends?

I've got my brother staying with me right now and obviously my wife and daughter and my wife's sister. We've all been in this fraternity/sorority house, so to speak, in Florida with my three English bulldogs. So, it's kind of a circus. My family, my mom and dad, are back in Oregon. They're under quarantine. They both work for the state, so they have to go back to work every once in a while, during this time. With friends, homies, it's FaceTiming, playing pool on the phone – just trying to stay connected as much as possible.

What shows are you currently watching?

I just finished "The Last Kingdom." It was actually really good. My wife tried to get me to start watching "Outlander" and it just didn't happen. She kept going without me on that one. Other than that, it's mostly Disney+ on TV and Netflix and stuff for my daughter. She's into "Garfield" right now. She has phases of what she goes through. So, as she goes through her phases, I go through them as well.

Are you reading any books?

Other than studying my playbook, I'm reading the Bible. Other than that, I haven't been getting into too much. I was never a heavy reader. I was never someone who would just sit down and read a book. I always more of a visual learner, more of a hands-on learner.

What's the weirdest thing in your fridge right now?

We have probably, I'm not lying, 20 bottles of lemon juice. It's just straight lemon juice. We have about 20 of those. I think it's an acquired taste, so I started just drinking them. I guess it's good for you to have a little lemon juice – a shot of lemon juice every day. My wife put me onto that.

What does your workout routine consist of?

I've been in a pretty good routine…Like I said, my brother is staying out here right now. Down here all of the training facilities are closed. I live right next to a park – an open field park. I have all the equipment to get on the field, so we get out there around 10:30 a.m., do a field workout then come back home. I have a gym at home. I do a nice little lift, whether it's upper body or lower body.

How are you keeping up with the "extras" like haircuts, etc.?

I've been following the guidelines as far as trying to stay home. Obviously, I literally just go to work out down the street at the open park. Nobody's there. Then I come home. I haven't left the house too much. I'm trying to follow the guidelines. I haven't been to the barber yet. It's been tough. I'm not going to lie, it's been tough. But I'm trying to come up with some new looks for my long hair. I'm trying to see how long I can actually go until my wife tells me I have to cut it. It's extremely long right now. I've been trying to keep up as much as possible.

What's the first thing you're going to do when you get out of quarantine?

Get a haircut. That's exactly what I'm going to do.

What's the last thing you ordered online?

I have three English bulldogs and during this quarantine, I've kind of been bored and trying to figure out new things to do. So, I ordered a skateboard. I figured, I have three English bulldogs and you hear of bulldogs loving to skateboard. One out of three of them has to be able to skateboard, so I have to figure out how to get at least one of them, if not all of them, to skateboard. I'm going to try it out…hopefully it will be here by the 22.

What is your favorite room in your house right now?

My favorite room in my house would probably be my video game room. It's nothing special, but it's my room and I've spent a lot of hours in that room – a lot of victories and a lot of defeats. It's one of my favorite rooms.

What's your go-to quarantine outfit?

I'm in South Florida, so it's pretty much sunny here all the time. I'm in shorts and no shirt almost all day.

What's your go-to snack?

My go-to snack is a peanut butter granola bar but it's chocolate dipped. It's trouble.

What's your go-to social media platform?

Right now, I'm new to TikTok. I heard the craze on TikTok, so I decided to download it. I haven't made a video yet, but I've spent numerous hours watching hilarious TikTok videos. I try to stay off social media a little bit more. I'm trying to keep focused through the family and whatnot, but I'm on Instagram, I'm on Twitter – the main stuff. Nothing exciting.

What's your go-to take out meal?

We just Instacart and then every time we order Instacart, everybody gets together and we spray it all down, wash it. It takes about an hour and a half to do when the groceries come. So, we spray it all down, wash it and put it where it belongs. It's a process to order groceries nowadays, I'll tell you that.

How else are you passing the time?

That's really it. I'm just trying to be the best father I can, the best husband I can, the best brother I can – just staying connected with everyone, praying that we all come out of this safe. These are crazy times that we're in right now but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just trying to stay prayed up.

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