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Stevie, Leodis McKelvin weigh in on Bills victory


WR Stevie Johnson**

Friday, November 16, 2012

Q: Was that good enough last night?

A: Yeah, definitely was good enough. When you get a win it is always good. There are always going to be things that you wish you can make better. When you get the win it is less to stress about.

Q: What things could have been made better?

A: I felt like we could have beaten them by more points. It does not really matter because we got the win, but I think we could have showed how powerful our offense can be. We had a lot of matchups as far as one-on-ones out there on the field. I think we could have exploited it a little bit more. We got the win so it is a relief.

Q: Coach Gailey mentioned after the game he regretted not throwing the ball up to you more. Did you feel that you had those kinds of mismatches?

A: Yeah. Definitely felt like that. Felt like that with the other receivers also, not only with myself. Even Scott [Chandler], Scott had a few plays where I think he could have made big yardage. We ended up getting a win anyway and we looked pretty solid as an offense.

KR/CB Leodis McKelvin

Friday, November 16, 2012

Q: Talk about how good it felt last night for you personally and the team.

A: Personally it felt awesome. Go out there and just show my talent. Go out there and just play ball. Help the defense out the best way I can. In special teams, help them out the best way I can too. Just an overall team effort and I think everybody did good.

Q: Do you think the defense needs to do a little bit more to put you in those punt return situations?

A: Most definitely. You can see it as more of the games that I get more punt returns then more chance we win the game. We get off the field on third downs and we were doing a great job before. It is like working on that and getting better and better every game. Sometimes it has been like we do good one game then we go back to not getting off the field on third down. We just have to be consistent on just getting off the field on third downs.

Q: After watching it, who had the best blocks on your punt return TD?

A: Everybody had great blocks. If you watch it everybody made blocks. Some guys got two men. Jairus (Byrd), he was blocking a gunner. He even fell down, got back up and made one of the key blocks to send me to the end zone. Corey (McIntyre) got a great block on the punter. Everybody did their job and I did my job by getting to the end zone. 

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