Social Spotlight: Bills Players and Alumni
In this edition of Social Spotlight, brought to you by Fuel Up to Play 60, we take a look at what the Bills have been up to.

When they catch me in full Thriller motion on the sideline #michaeljackson #YouAlreadyShnow

6 years ago I received the best birthday present possible.. my son Cage! Love you buddy!

Happy birthday to my little slice of heaven! I'm so thankful God chose me as your dad #TurnUp#WeLitOnAppleJuice #1Year

Thursday night....

Hide ya kids, hide ya wives little man growing up

It feels good to have you! ❤️❤️

My Precious #BillsMafia

Ready to join @AmerDairyFUTP60 in kicking off their @FUTP60 Training Camp! Let's #FuelUpNY

Man we had a ball trick or treating with the kids ... my son think he is so COOL LOL... so to the dads that came out with me tonight it was cold but we made it ...

Happy Halloween from the DiMarco Family #101dalmations

Volunteered to give the kids and their guides nightmares for Halloween

Batman saves the day again 藍藍 Happy Halloween