Accessible Services - Parking
- Designated ADA Only Parking Lots are Lot 2 ADA and Lot 6 ADA. Parking in both lots is on a first come, first served basis. Limited ADA parking overflow is available in other parking lots and will be managed on a case-by-case basis by our parking team.
- Guests parking in ADA Only Parking Lots must pay upon arrival. There are no advanced permits sold for these parking lots. All transactions are cashless.
- The cost of Game Day Parking in Lot 2 and Lot 6 ADA is $45
- Proper permits are required to park in accessible spaces. Parking placards for guests with disabilities are available through state or town government offices.
- Vehicles parked in accessible parking spaces without the proper legal parking placards are subject to be towed and fined.
- The Buffalo Bills provide golf cart transportation for fans from Bills parking lots to stadium gates. For more information, see the ADA Pick Up/Drop Off map, or on Game Day call the Game Day Fan Hotline at 716-312-8933.
Accessible Services - Seating
Accessible/Wheelchair platforms are located around the 100-level, at the top of the 300-level and in the indoor club seating areas. Wheelchair seating tickets are required to sit on the platforms. Wheelchair seating is not available in the sideline clubs. There is no storage for wheelchairs anywhere inside the stadium. To obtain proper seating for a guest with a disability, contact the Bills Box Office powered by Ticketmaster at 1(877)228-4257 or tickets@bills.nfl.net prior to arriving at the stadium. Please contact a Team Member on game day for further assistance. Seating for guests with disabilities is based on availability.
Guests in need of accessible seating during a game will be accommodated in the nearest platform to their ticketed location. Please visit a Guest Experience Booth closest to your ticketed location for assistance.
Limited mobility seating is located in the upper rows of the 100-level.
Accessible Services - Transportation
Golf Cart Transportation
Pre-Game - Guests with accessible needs who park in Buffalo Bills controlled parking lots may receive a golf cart ride to the stadium gates from the Guest Experience ADA Team. There are eight designated pick-up locations throughout stadium parking lots. For more information on game day, please call 716-312-8933 or text your location & request to 716-588-1960.
Post-Game – Guests with accessible needs who park in Buffalo Bills controlled parking lots may receive a golf cart ride to a limited number of designated drop-off locations on the North and South side of the stadium only. For service to a drop off location in our north parking lots (Lots 5, 6, 7) please look for our ADA Team at Gates 6 and 7. For service to the drop off location in our south parking lots (Lots 1, 2 and Fieldhouse Lot), please look for our ADA Team at Gates 2.
Wheelchair Transportation
Wheelchair transportation is available from stadium gates to a guest's seat and from a guest's seat to the stadium gates. Wheelchair transportation to parking lots and other areas outside of the stadium gates is not available. Guests can request a wheelchair pickup during the game inside each entry gate or by calling 716-312-8855. Contact the nearest Guest Experience Ambassador for more information. There is no storage for personal wheelchairs anywhere inside Highmark Stadium.
Alcohol Policy
Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into the stadium. Any attempt to bring alcohol into the stadium is a violation of stadium policy and the Fan Code of Conduct and will result in the guest being ejected and may result in arrest and/or ticket purchasing privileges being revoked.
Alcohol Sales End
All alcohol sales and service will be discontinued at the end of the 3rd quarter, except in the clubs and suites, where service will continue until after the end of the game.
There is a maximum of two (2) drinks (any combination of beer, wine, or liquor) per possession allowed inside the stadium. No more than two (2) drinks will be sold per purchase at all concession stand, portable, and club locations. Guests possessing alcohol, who do not have acceptable proof of age will be ejected and may be subject to arrest. Guests found to be passing alcohol to minors will be ejected and subject to arrest. New York State law requires that wine and spirits (liquor) purchased in the premium clubs and suites must be consumed in that club or suite and may not be removed from that area.
Delaware North and the Buffalo Bills reserve the right to deny the sale or service of alcohol to guests who show signs of intoxication or who cannot provide acceptable identification. The Buffalo Bills reserve the right to modify policies or procedures at any time without notice to guests.
Assisted Listening Devices
Guests may check out an Assisted Listening Device (ALD) at Guest Experience Booth 124 with a valid driver's license or other form of government ID.
There are no ATMs located inside Highmark Stadium. All concessions and retail locations accept cashless forms of payment for a more safe and efficient operation.
Automotive Assistance
Guests requiring automobile assistance may contact AAA by calling Buffalo Bills Event Command at (716) 312-8742. AAA drivers will be on site approximately 2 hours prior to kick off until 1 hour after the game concludes.
Baby Changing Stations
Baby changing tables can be found in most men's and women's restrooms in Highmark Stadium.
Bag Policy
Clear bags that are 12" x 6" x 12" or smaller, one-gallon clear bags (Ziploc or similar) and small clutch bags 4.5" x 6.5" or smaller, with or without the strap are permitted.
Banners and Signs
Banners and signs are generally permitted, but any such item deemed by Stadium Management to be dangerous, inappropriate, or which obstructs the view for other guests will be removed. Banners and signs must be event-related, in good taste, and not commercial or political in nature. Flags or banners that are commercial, offensive, or attached to poles are prohibited. Banners or signs may not promote or advertise organizations or companies not affiliated with the Buffalo Bills and may not be placed over any official signage. Banners and signs may not be affixed, hung, held over the field level ring wall or over the tunnel wall near the 30-second clock.
The Buffalo Bills reserve the right to remove any banner or sign.
Bus and Limo Parking
The Buffalo Bills are proud to promote a safe and fun tailgating atmosphere for Bus & Limo passengers in Tailgate Village within the Bus & Limo Lot. The Tailgate Village is the exclusive area for fans to responsibly tailgate in the Bus & Limo Lot prior to Bills home games. There is no tailgating or loitering permitted next to or around parked buses or limo buses.
Tailgate Village is an exclusive tailgating location for bus passengers. Tailgating bus passengers receive a designated space within Tailgate Village, access to wristbands for each tailgate member, and a concierge service to help you unload tailgate items from your bus to your designated location.
Bus and Limo parking passes must be purchase in advance of a game. Limos with a capacity of 11 persons or fewer are permitted to tailgate next to their vehicle.
For more information, please visit https://www.buffalobills.com/stadium/parking
Camera Policy
Still cameras are permitted inside Highmark Stadium. Video cameras and cameras with extended lenses longer than six (6) inches are not permitted. Guests may not reproduce any images for any commercial use without written approval from the Buffalo Bills.
Camper Lot
- Due to the New Bills Stadium construction project, the Colton RV Camper Lot is temporarily closed/removed from our parking lot campus.
- Campers/RVs will be unable to park within any Buffalo Bills controlled parking lot.
- We look forward to the return of the new Camper Lot experience for the 2026 football season!
Chargers – Phone Chargers at Highmark Stadium
Portable phone chargers can be rented from two locations at Highmark Stadium. On the northside of the stadium, guests can visit the 100-level concourse near section 112 and on the southside of the stadium, guests can visit the 100-level concourse near section 133.
Section 112, next to the Guest Experience Booth
Section 133, next to the Guest Experience Booth
The Buffalo Bills work with ChargeFUZE to bring portable chargers to Highmark Stadium for in-game and event usage.
Closed Caption Devices
Hearing impaired guests may utilize the Closed Captioning feature of the Bills Mobile app. The Closed Captioning feature is only visible on game days and can be found in the MORE menu on the app. A limited number of mobile phones are available to be checked out with a valid driver's license at the 50-yard line Guest Experience Booths on the 100-level and 300-level for guests without a smartphone.
Directions to Highmark Stadium
Please visit www.buffalobills.com/stadium/ for directions to Highmark Stadium via Google Maps.
Drone Policy
Unmanned aircraft devices (drones) are not permitted at any time. Guests flying drones are subject to ejection and arrest.
Ejection Policy
Guests who appear to be intoxicated and/or unmanageable or are in violation of the Fan Code of Conduct will not be permitted into the stadium. The Buffalo Bills reserve the right to eject anyone whose behavior is disruptive, unruly, or illegal. Tickets will be revoked without refund and the individual(s) will be escorted from Highmark Stadium.
Elevators are reserved for guests with disabilities and appropriately credentialed employees only. Appropriate guests MUST be accompanied by a Highmark Stadium Team Member on game days. Guests are asked to abide by capacity limits designated on the outside of each stadium elevator.
Please contact a Guest Experience Team Member for assistance. 50 yard-line elevators service the 100-level and 300-level concourses. Club elevators are used for access to 300-level ADA seating with a valid ticket as well as for emergency or team personnel ONLY.
- 100-level – Across from Section 133 and Section 112
- 300-level – Across from Section 333 and Section 312
- Gate level – Inside Broadcast Booth (Gate 2) and the Pepsi Club (Gate 7)
- M&T Club and Caesar's Sportsbook Lounge
- North side Sideline Clubs – Inside west end of the Pepsi Club
- South side Sideline Clubs – Inside Dunn Tire Club
Should anyone need immediate assistance, please notify the nearest Team Member, security personnel, or visit a Guest Experience Booth.
In the event of a serious incident at Highmark Stadium, all Team Members, security personnel, and Erie County emergency response agencies are ready and available to assist all guests. Pertinent information regarding the situation and procedures, including evacuation directions if needed, will be provided over the public address system and on stadium televisions, video board, and ribbon boards. All guests are asked to please remember the following:
- Follow the directions of stadium personnel.
- Do not panic. Exit the stadium in a calm and orderly manner.
- Once outside of the stadium gates, continue to move as far from the stadium as possible.
Fan Conduct Text Line
The Fan Conduct Text Line is for guests to report incidents or Fan Code of Conduct violations (i.e. impaired individuals, altercations, abusive language, etc.) that they witness during the game. Guests can expect immediate follow up from stadium personnel after calling or texting. Please be prepared to state the location and detail of the concern. To report an incident please text your location and issue to (716) 588-1960 or call (716) 312-8933. Guests may also utilize any red Fan Hotline phone located throughout the stadium or contact a nearby Guest Experience or Security Team Member.
Family Restrooms
There are two Family Restrooms located on either side of the Miller Lite Brew Pub across from Sections 120 and 124.
Field Access
Access to the field area is strictly prohibited and only authorized persons with proper credentials will be allowed onto the field. Guests or unauthorized personnel entering the field area without proper credentials are subject to ejection and arrest.
First Aid
Emergency medical teams are on call at Highmark Stadium at all times. If anyone requires medical assistance, please contact the nearest Guest Experience or Security personnel. Guests can also proceed to the Emergency Medical Services stations located on the outside of the Dunn Tire Club and Pepsi Club, with entrances closest to Toyota Gate 2 and On Location Gate 7. If you feel ill at any point before leaving to come to Highmark Stadium, we ask that you be a good teammate and stay home.
First Game Certificates
Guests who are attending their first ever Buffalo Bills game at Highmark Stadium can stop by any Guest Experience Booth and receive a certificate from Billy Buffalo commemorating their first game.
Highmark Stadium has six (6) main entry gates that open 2 hours prior to kickoff. For easy entry and to avoid gate congestion, the Buffalo Bills recommend that all guests arrive at the gates at least one hour prior to kickoff to ensure they are at their seats on time. Guests arriving to the gates closer to kickoff risk missing portions of the game.
All entrances at Highmark Stadium are accessible for guests with disabilities. For expedited entry, guests with disabilities may utilize the Club & Suite Entry Lanes at Gates 2, 3, 6 and 7. Guests who appear to be intoxicated and/or unmanageable will not be permitted into the stadium.
If you are using mobile ticketing, make sure to add your ticket(s) to your wallet on an Apple device or Google Pay on an Android device before getting the gates. Visit buffalobills.com/mobileticketing for more information on mobile ticketing.
Each guest entering Highmark Stadium should be ready to display their ticket to a stadium official to verify seat location. All guests are encouraged to have photo identification available at all times. Guests found inside the stadium who fail to produce a valid ticket for the event are subject to ejection and arrest for trespassing.
Guest Experience Locations
Highmark Stadium has ten (10) permanent Guest Experience Booths, which can be found in the following locations:
- Adjacent to The Bills Store
- 100-Level Concourse – Sections 101, 112, 124, and 133.
- 300-Level Concourse – Sections 311 and 334.
- Sideline Clubs – Toyota and Pepsi East
- West End Suites
Helmets & Footballs
Helmets and footballs are not permitted to enter through stadium gates. Any items purchased on the Billevard will need to be returned to vehicles before entering Highmark Stadium.
Lost Children & Missing Persons (Bills Buddy Program)
Parents or guardians bringing children or individuals to Highmark Stadium can register for the Bills Buddy Program. Parties are encouraged to register at any Guest Experience on game days. In the event that parties become separated, identifying wristbands and information will help in the reuniting of separated parties. If you have a lost child during an event at Highmark Stadium, please contact a stadium Team Member immediately for assistance.
Buffalo Bills Lost & Found Policy
The Bills are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Items found on property are to be turned over to the Guest Experience Department for documentation and storage. Guests inquiring about lost items during an event can visit a Guest Experience Booth located within Highmark Stadium. Upon the conclusion of a game up to 90 minutes, guests should visit the Reunification Center (Guest Experience Booth) adjacent to the Bills Store on Abbott Road to report a lost item.
To a report a lost item, guests can file a lost claim by following: https://www.buffalobills.com/stadium/lost-and-found. Please note due to the volume of lost items, we are unable to accommodate in-person claims.
Items are collected and documented within 72 hours of an event. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Once an item matches a lost claim, pick-up will be coordinated with the owner.
Lost & Found Guest Communication Policy
Upon filing a lost claim, the Guest Experience Department will work to match claims to found items. If a found item matches a lost claim, guests will be contacted within 48 hours. As the stadium and campus parking lots are cleaned following an event, items are collected at various times throughout the following week. If a lost claim goes unmatched, guests will be contacted via email within 1 week of the conclusion of the event.
Lost & Found Storage at Highmark Stadium
Found items at Highmark Stadium are properly documented and stored. Holding times vary based on item category.
Unclaimed Items Policy at Highmark Stadium
Please note holding times for unclaimed items.
Phones – Held for 30 days before donation.
Wallets – Physical wallets are donated after 30 days. Items found inside wallets are disposed of after 30 days for privacy and safety. See below for specific license and ID information.
License & ID – Held for 30 before proper disposal.
Credit & Debit cards – Held for 7 days before proper disposal.
Passports – Held for 30 days and sent to the US Department of State, Consular Lost and Stolen Passport Unit (CLASP).
Car Keys – Held for 30 days before donation.
Misc. Keys – Held for 30 days before disposal.
Glasses – Held for 30 days before donation.
Clothing, Bags, Blankets & Jewelry – Held for 30 days before donation to Hearts for the Homeless in Buffalo, NY.
Found Items Mailing Policy - International
Guests who cannot pick up found items in-person from Highmark Stadium can opt for the item to be mailed to them. The recipient of the item will be responsible for shipping and handling costs Internationally. For more information, please refer to your online Lost & Found claim through our partner Boomerang, or contact at help@thanksboomerang.com.
Found Items Mailing Policy – Outside of New York State
Guests who cannot pick up found items in-person from Highmark Stadium can opt for the item to be mailed to them. The recipient of the item will be responsible for shipping and handling costs outside of New York State. For more information, please refer to your online Lost & Found claim through our partner Boomerang, or contact at help@thanksboomerang.com.
Store Hours:
Monday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday (Non-game days) 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Merchandise locations can be found throughout each concourse level of Highmark Stadium on game days.
Mobile App
Download the official Buffalo Bills mobile app today to stay locked in with exclusive team content all year long and make game day go smoothly with mobile ticketing. The Buffalo Bills mobile app gives you access to real-time breaking news, live streaming video, on-demand highlights, feature stories, press conferences, and a behind the scenes look at all things Buffalo Bills. The mobile app is available for free in both the Apple and Android app stores. Download it today!
NFTA Game Day Express
Fans looking for an alternative transportation solution to ride share on game days should check out the NFTA Game Day Express buses. For more information on routes, timing, and policies, visit https://metro.nfta.com/schedules/game-day-express.
National Football League policy prohibits noisemakers from being brought inside the stadium. This includes all horns, cow bells, and whistles. Stadium Management reserves the right to confiscate any item that does not adhere to this policy.
Nursing Mothers
There are two Lactation Rooms in Highmark Stadium, located in the Dunn Tire & Pepsi West. These rooms provide a quiet, private area for nursing mothers equipped with a comfortable chair, changing table, vanity sink and mirror.
Outside Beverages & Coolers
Guests are not permitted to bring outside beverages, cans, bottles, thermoses, coolers, jugs, or other containers into Highmark Stadium. Children's juice boxes when accompanied by a child, infant bottles when accompanied by an infant and items necessary for medical purposes are permitted. For specific information please contact the Bills Box Office at 1-877-BB-TICKS.
Pages and/or private announcements will not be made at the stadium by either the PA announcer or on the video board. Please designate a meeting location should parties become separated.
Parking Code of Conduct
In order to maintain a safe and fun environment, the Bills ask that all guests follow directions given by Allpro Parking, Stadium Management, Sheriff, and security personnel. If a guest needs immediate assistance or sees a potential problem within their area, please contact the Fan Conduct Text Line by texting your location and issue to (716)588-1960 or by calling (716) 312-8933. In the event of an emergency please call 9-1-1.
Our Team Members will proactively enforce this Code of Conduct that includes the following behaviors deemed inappropriate by Stadium Management:
- Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature.
- Conduct that endangers spectators, employees, or participants.
- Displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting.
- Failing to follow instructions of stadium personnel.
- Fighting, taunting, threatening remarks, or offensive gestures toward Bills fans and/or visiting team fans.
- Indecent exposure or undressing
- Intoxication or other signs of alcohol or substance impairment that results in irresponsible behavior.
- Selling of any merchandise without the permission of the Buffalo Bills.
- Scalping or other improper resale of tickets.
- Wearing obscene, offensive, or indecent clothing.
- Unauthorized solicitation on Highmark Stadium property.
- Use of binge drinking paraphernalia including beer bongs, funnels, kegs, etc.
- Use of foul, disruptive, obscene, offensive, or abusive language or actions.
Code of Conduct violators are subject to ejection, arrest and may have their parking and ticket purchasing privileges revoked.
Parking Updates for 2024 Football Season
Beginning with the 2024 Football Season, all Buffalo Bills controlled parking lots will require an advanced purchase parking pass, excluding Lot 2 ADA and Lot 6 ADA. (See Accessible Services - Parking for more info) There will be no day of game credit card or cash transactions to purchase parking in Bills parking lots.
Season Ticket Member Full Season Parking Locations
- Club Seat & Suite Holders
- Lot 2 Preferred
- Lot 6 Preferred
- Non-Club Seat & Suite Season Ticket Members
- Lot 1
- Lot 7
Individual Game Parking Locations
- Lot 4
- Bus & Limo Lot
- Non-Tailgating Buses (12 or more passengers)
- Limos (11 passengers or less)
Permitted Items:
- Additional clothing and blankets (must be carried loosely)
- Clear Bags smaller than 12" x 6" x 12"
- One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags
- Small clutch bag (4.5" x 6.5"), with or without a handle or strap
- Binoculars
- Cameras with lenses shorter than six (6) inches
- Food – unopened, single serve containers carried in an approved size clear plastic bag
- iPads and tablet devices
Prohibited Items
- Alcoholic beverages, illegal substances
- Animals (with the exception of service animals for guests with disabilities)
- Bags of any size
- Beach balls, footballs, balls, inflatable devices (balloons)
- Bottles, cans, thermoses, and other beverage containers
- Cameras with lenses longer than six (6) inches
- Clothing or material with profane language or obscene graphics or anything political in nature
- Drones, Unmanned Aircraft Devices
- Fireworks
- Headwear or clothing that may impede the view of guests
- Laptop computers, radios
- Laser pointer devices, noisemakers
- Promotional materials not approved by the Bills
- Seat cushions larger than 15" x 15" or that contain armrests, zippers, pockets, flaps or metal backs
- Selfie sticks, sticks or poles
- Strollers
- Tobacco products - including cigarettes/electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco, lighters/matches
- Umbrellas
- Video cameras, monopods and tripods
- Weapons (knives, box-cutters, firearms, etc.)
The Buffalo Bills encourage you to help us protect the environment by properly disposing of all recyclable materials in the recycling containers and trash in the garbage cans located throughout the stadium.
Re-Entry Policy
Re-entry to the stadium is prohibited. Guests who leave Highmark Stadium may not re-enter using the same event ticket. In the event of an emergency, please see a Guest Experience Team Member for assistance.
Re-entry to enclosed club or suite areas is permitted for appropriately ticketed guests. Club Seat Members who leave their respective area and plan on returning must receive a wristband prior to exiting the club. Guests without a wristband and valid ticket will not be re-admitted.
Responsible Fan Program
As part of Bud Light's Responsible Fan program, guests who are 21 years of age or older, and either pledge to not drink alcoholic beverages at a Bills game or to drink responsibly and take alternative transportation home should visit a Guest Experience Booth to register. Participants register by providing proof of age and completing a registration form. By registering, you are eligible to win various prizes. Register here.
Ride Share
The Ride Share Lot at Highmark Stadium is located on the western end of the adjacent ECC South Campus. This location allows drivers a convenient and safe way to exit the lot and merge onto either Southwestern Blvd. (Rte. 20) or Big Tree Road (Rte. 20A). PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, due to high demand, especially for night games/events, there are not enough drivers in WNY to provide a quick departure. Fans should expect to experience very long delays for a postgame/post-event pickup. We strongly encourage fans to have a secondary backup plan for a safe ride home if they are considering using rideshare after a night game/event.
Road Closures
Abbott Road will be closed to all vehicle traffic between the south entrance of Lot 2 ADA and the north entrance of Lot 6 ADA on game days. Route 20A will be closed to westbound traffic post-game ONLY from Abbott Road to California Road. Please allow for enough driving time, taking into consideration traffic and construction along major roadways.
Scoreboard Announcements
Due to the high volume of anniversary, birthday, and proposal requests, we unfortunately cannot fulfill them all. To keep things fair to all fans we are unable to accommodate these type of requests.
Suspicious activity, disruptive guests, and guest related problems should be reported to a Guest Experience Team Member, security personnel or the Fan Conduct Text Line by texting your location and issue to (716) 588-1960 or calling (716) 312-8933 immediately. Violators of the Fan Code of Conduct or uncooperative guests showing disregard for Highmark Stadium and other guests will be ejected immediately. Intoxicated or unmanageable guests will not be allowed entry to the stadium and tickets may be revoked.
Private Security and Erie County Sheriff's Officers provide security for Highmark Stadium. The Orchard Park Police Department also patrols and monitors the surrounding areas.
Security Inspection
For the safety of everyone in attendance, all guests entering Highmark Stadium will be subject to a metal detection screening process. Please leave all unnecessary and prohibited items in vehicles. Stadium Team Members may not secure or hold items, and the Buffalo Bills and Highmark Stadium are not responsible for any items that are left, lost or stolen at the gates.
By tendering the game ticket and entering the stadium, guests consent to such inspections and waive any related claims that they might have against the NFL, its Member Clubs, its affiliates, or its agents. If guests elect not to consent to these searches, they will be denied entry into the stadium. Elevated security concerns could prompt more thorough search procedures.
Additional Information:
- All belongings are subject to search. We will conduct NFL mandated walkthrough metal detectors and/or wanding of guests.
- Intoxicated and/or unmanageable guests will not be admitted entry into the stadium.
- Guests, including children, must have a valid ticket with them at all times. Those children under the age of two do not need a ticket and are expected to sit on an adult's lap during the game.
- No scalping, illegal sales or solicitation.
- No Re-entry.
- We are a no tobacco facility. All tobacco products including cigarettes/electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco, lighters/matches are prohibited.
Sensory Inclusion
Guests with sensory issues may check-out a Sensory Inclusion Kit from any Guest Experience Booth. Kits typically include noise cancelling headphones, fidget toys, and a KultureCity VIP Identification Card. Guests in need of a quiet space can be directed to the Old Admin building and escorted to our Sensory Room on the third floor.
Smoking / Tobacco
Highmark Stadium is proud to be a smoke-free and tobacco-free facility. For the health, safety, and comfort of all Bills guests and Highmark Stadium Team Members, smoking (including electronic cigarettes) and all tobacco products (including chewing tobacco, lighters and matches) are prohibited inside all areas of the stadium; including entry gates, concourses, seating areas, and all suites and clubs. There are no designated smoking areas in the stadium and re-entry is prohibited. Stadium guests who fail to comply with this smoking / tobacco policy are subject to ejection and may lose ticket privileges.
The Buffalo Bills and Highmark Stadium prohibit strollers inside the stadium. There is no storage room available and they pose a hazard when left in aisles, concourses, or seating areas.
Tailgating is permitted in most stadium parking lots. There is no tailgating permitted in the Administrative Lot, Team Member Lot, Training Center Lot, Tunnel Lot, and Youth Stadium Lot. Tailgating in the Bus & Limo Lot is only permitted for limousines with a capacity of 11 persons or fewer OR within Tailgate Village. See Bus & Limo Lot for more information
Stadium lots open four (4) hours before the game and close approximately two (2) hours following a game - with the exception of the Bus & Limo Lot which closes one (1) hour after the game.
Vehicles may occupy ONLY ONE parking space. Additional spaces are not available for purchase for the purpose of tailgating. For everyone to enjoy the tailgating experience, guests are asked to please follow these guidelines:
- Fans must have a valid game ticket to be on premise in the Bills parking lots.
- No saving of parking spaces is allowed.
- Please tailgate in front or behind the vehicle only.
- Please be considerate of other vehicles and property.
- Please dispose of all trash in proper receptacles.
- Please use plastic cups or aluminum cans and no glass bottles are permitted.
- Please extinguish all flames and grills before entry or departure from the game.
- (No open burning in garbage cans or on the ground)
- Please do not block or impede other vehicles from exiting after a game.
- No tailgating is permitted after kickoff throughout the game in any of the parking lots or the Tailgate Village.
Visit www.buffalobills.com/tickets/ for the most up to date information on ticketing availability, policies, member benefits and to chat with a representative from our Ticket Office.
Wait for the Whistle Policy
To ensure the enjoyment of the game action for all guests, Highmark Stadium enforces a "Wait for the Whistle" policy for guests returning to their seats. Guests are asked to stay behind the yellow line in the vomitory until the officials have halted play on the field, at which point guests are permitted to return to their seats.
The Buffalo Bills have partnered with Carousel Industries and Extreme Networks to provide Bills fans enhanced Wifi at Highmark Stadium. To connect, select the Network "Bills Guest Wifi"
Zero Tolerance Sections
Sections 225, 226 and 227 of Highmark Stadium are designated as Zero Tolerance. Alcohol is prohibited in these areas. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding profanity and alcohol consumption in these sections. Violations of this policy will result in an immediate ejection.