"B-Scott's Bunch," "Freddy's Fanatics," "George's Jungle," "Nic's Picks," "Moorman's Miracles," "Reed's Stampede," "Stroud's Crowd," "Team 24," and "Whitner's Winners" are just a few of the game day group banners fans see located on the ring wall of Ralph Wilson Stadium.
The banners represent all of the charities and organizations that benefit from the Buffalo Bills fourth annual player ticket donation program. The popular and successful program gives players the opportunity to purchase season tickets and donate them to a charity or organization of their choice.
Each player guest receives tickets to the game as well as a voucher for a hot dog, beverage and snack. Players participating in the program include: Ryan Denney, Nic Harris, Fred Jackson, Terrence McGee, Brian Moorman, Josh Reed, Aaron Schobel, Bryan Scott, Marcus Stroud, Donte Whitner and George Wilson.
Players who purchased 20 season tickets also received a banner, which hangs in the stadium in recognition of their donation. The players donate 224 tickets for each game to a variety of local charities and organizations. Some of the guests are from the Boys and Girls Club of Buffalo, Buffalo Public Schools, Carly's Club, Department of Veteran Affairs, MAD DADS, Make-A-Wish, March of Dimes, Northwest Buffalo Community Center, Ronald McDonald House, Stone's Buddies, United Way and more.
For more information, visit the community page on buffalobills.com.