Even though he doesn't play for the Bills anymore, longtime defensive tackle Kyle Williams still had plenty of game day responsibilities last Sunday. Despite a packed schedule, which included appearing alongside Kay Adams and Willie McGinest on the NFL Network pregame and officiating a wedding at halftime, Williams still managed to make the day extra special for a young boy and his family.
Brady Hughes, a seven-year-old from Jamestown, New York, was at the game with his dad Chris Hughes, uncles and cousins. Spotting Williams, Brady – who was sporting a Tom Brady jersey – and the group of youngsters began chanting his name to get his attention.
"…All the kids had Bills gear on, except for Brady, my son," explained Chris Hughes, a Bills Season Ticket Member. "He had a Tom Brady jersey on, and Kyle asked him why…Brady told him a story because we originally grew up in Massachusetts, but we live up here now. For some reason, that's where he got his roots from…but he wasn't born there."
Photos of Bills fans smiling during Buffalo's home game against the Patriots at New Era Field. Say Cheese is presented by Yancey's Fancy.

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Craig Melvin

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert

Fans. Buffalo Bills vs New England Patriots, September 29, 2019 at New Era Field. Photo by Bill Wippert
Watching the whole interaction, Hughes, who has been rooting for the Bills since the early 90s, couldn't believe what happened next.
"He was with his uncle and cousins I believe and wanted me to sign his ball and take a picture. I told him I'd be happy to," explained Williams. "I asked him how it came to pass that everyone he was with was in Bills gear. He was shy about it…I asked him if I bought him some new stuff would he come back and take a new picture with me. So, I gave him $40. He came back with a Tre' White jersey and a Bills hat…[and] we took a new picture."
The moment, undoubtedly a special one, proved even more impactful given that it happened at Brady's first-ever regular season NFL game.
"It was a great experience. I was crying just watching it all," said Hughes. "He took the time out of his day to do that and he had to do that service at halftime, which was amazing too. He was just funny with Brady – it was like he knew him for a while. He was that comfortable. A lot of times you don't see that with pro athletes."
Happy about his Bills gear and about getting to meet Williams, Brady proudly wore the new threads to school the next day and shared the story with his teachers.
For Chris, his wife Lynette and their family, who regularly attend games together, the day marked another unforgettable one in their history as Bills fans. A tradition that started with Lynette's father Mitchell Stone, who purchased his season tickets in 1990, has passed down to Lynette and her three brothers Daniel, Scott and Matthew, and their children in the process. Stone has since transferred some of his tickets to his kids so that they can enjoy Bills games and moments like this one for years to come.
"It was unbelievable," said Chris. He's an incredible guy. If I could thank him, I would…It's just amazing that he's still around and doing stuff for the community."